Oregon Grassy Field Senior Pictures

Absolutely LOVEDDDDD Callie’s golden hour fieldy shoot!!! Just goes to show that sometimes simple is best- this is one of my favorite locations and we can get so much variety without moving around too much!!!

Portland Senior Photos with Three Locations!

Kayleigh’s shoot is such a good example of going to three different locations for three different vibes all in one shoot :) We started in the tall grass field, then went to the flower field, and then ended in Portland for an urban settting- the best combo ever!

Euphoria Carnival Photoshoot

I have been wanting to do a Euphoria inspired shoot for SO LONG- it’s my absolute favorite show, and I feel so inspired by the way its shot. My incredible model Sean went to the county fair with me to shoot these and we couldn’t have picked a more crowded or muggier night for this, but it was WORTH IT!

Daragh's Grassy Field Senior Pictures in Portland

I think sometimes senior pictures can feel like they need to be a huge full day shoot in a million locations - but the truth is the best photos are the ones that actually focus on YOU and the location can be stunning but simple <3 We did all of Daragh’s photos in my favorite fieldy spot and I love how they turned out, she’s just so gorgeous- and even though we didn’t switch spots at all I feel like she has a lot of variety in her photos and I still couldn’t narrow them down :)